Islamic Studies in UAE

The Islamic Studies curriculum set by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in the UAE aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Islamic principles, values, and culture. This curriculum is designed to nurture spiritual, moral, and ethical growth, fostering a deep appreciation for Islamic heritage and its relevance in contemporary life. Below is an overview of the curriculum across various educational stages:

Early Years and Early Primary


  • Introduction to basic Islamic concepts and values.
  • Familiarisation with simple stories from the Quran and Hadith.
  • Development of basic worship practices like prayer and supplication.

Key Topics:

  • Belief in Allah and His attributes.
  • Stories of the Prophets, with an emphasis on their moral lessons.
  • Introduction to basic Islamic practices such as prayer (Salah) and fasting (Sawm).
  • Memorisation of short Surahs (chapters) from the Quran.

Primary Education


  • Deepening understanding of Islamic beliefs and practices.
  • Learning the history and significance of the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • Encouraging moral and ethical behaviour in line with Islamic teachings.

Key Topics:

  • Detailed stories of the Prophets and lessons derived from their lives.
  • The Five Pillars of Islam: Shahada (faith), Salah (prayer), Zakah (charity), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage).
  • Understanding and memorising additional Surahs and verses from the Quran.
  • Introduction to basic Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) and its application in daily life.
  • Islamic manners and etiquette (Akhlaq), including honesty, respect, and compassion.

Secondary Education (Key Stage 3)


  • Comprehensive study of Islamic jurisprudence and its schools of thought.
  • Detailed understanding of the Quran and Hadith, including their interpretation.
  • Encouraging students to apply Islamic teachings in contemporary contexts.

Key Topics:

  • Advanced study of the life and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions.
  • The study of Islamic jurisprudence, including the rules of purification, prayer, fasting, Zakah, and Hajj.
  • Understanding the principles of Islamic ethics and morality.
  • Comparative study of Islamic teachings with other religious and cultural values.
  • Memorisation and interpretation of more extensive parts of the Quran and significant Hadiths.

Secondary Education (Key Stages 4 and 5)


  • Critical analysis of Islamic jurisprudence, theology, and philosophy.
  • Encouraging scholarly research and discussion on contemporary Islamic issues.
  • Preparation for higher education and lifelong learning in Islamic studies.

Key Topics:

  • In-depth study of the Quran and Hadith, focusing on Tafsir (exegesis) and Hadith sciences.
  • Advanced Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) covering areas like family law, criminal law, and financial transactions.
  • Islamic history and civilisation, including the study of major Islamic empires and their contributions to the world.
  • Discussion of contemporary issues in the light of Islamic teachings, such as bioethics, finance, and global peace.
  • Development of critical thinking and analytical skills through research projects and presentations on Islamic topics.

Teaching Methods:

  • Interactive and engaging teaching methods, including storytelling, discussions, and practical activities.
  • Use of technology and multimedia resources to enhance learning and understanding.
  • Encouraging community involvement and service-learning projects to apply Islamic values in real-life situations.


  • Regular assessments through quizzes, exams, and project work to evaluate understanding and application of Islamic knowledge.
  • Continuous feedback to help students improve and deepen their understanding of Islamic studies.

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